9a) The SMIGACY Proxy

Smigacy 0.1.2 by Adam Atlas

Smigacy (which stands for Send Messages through I2pmail with Greater privACY) is an anonymity filter for SMTP, primarily intended to be used with Postman’s I2PMail service.

Smigacy is placed in the public domain.


  • Python 2.2 or later

  • I2P with an I2PTunnel pointing to smtp.postman.i2p

  • Installation & Use

    Before using it for the first time, edit Config.py. Set destinationPort to the I2PTunnel client pointing to smtp.postman.i2p. In the default I2P distribution, port 7659 points to this destination, so Smigacy is set to that by default. You can also change listenPort if you wish; this is the port upon which Smigacy will listen for requests from your mail client, so it must be an unused port. Finally, you must set your username and password for your account on Postman’s mail services.

    To start Smigacy as a daemon, run Smigacy-Start.sh . To stop it, run Smigacy-Stop.sh .

    To set up your MUA to use it, configure it to use SMTP through the host and the port which you set as listenPort. Disable SMTP authentication ifyou had it enabled.

    At this point it should work. Try sending a test message.

    Version History

    2005-09-16: 0.1.2 – Adds this readme – Adds start and stop scripts – Sets destinationPort in Config.py to 7659, the default I2PTunnel to smtp.postman.i2p. Previously, Config.py had it set to 7660, which by default is the POP server. Oops. – Enclosed Smigacy.py’s functionality in a “if name == ‘main‘” block so I could run it through pychecker.

    2005-09-16 (after getting some sleep): 0.1.1 – Adds the whitelist module, and uses it by default. – Never released, because after I had already signed and uploaded the package, I realised I still wanted to make a few more changes.

    2005-09-16: 0.1.0 – Initial release.